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What are the system requirements for Webcasts and On-Demand Videos?

PBI's Webcasts and On-Demand Videos are delivered via our technology partner, Abila Freestone, via the Freestone™ Viewer. The Viewer runs using HTML5. In order to use the Freestone™ Viewer, we recommend:

  • The most recent version of Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge.
  • A broadband network connection with a minimum download speed of 10 mbps and upload speed of 5 mbps.
  • The most recent version of your computer’s operating system.

For the best streaming experience, close all other tabs, browsers, windows, or programs. Use an ethernet cord instead of WiFi whenever possible.

For technical assistance with Webcasts and On-Demand Videos, please contact our technology partner, Abila Freestone, at 1-866-702-3278 or freestonelearnersupport@communitybrands.com